How Often Should Your Cat Eat?

Sloopy’s “it’s time to eat” stare down.

There are a lot of mixed opinions on how often your cat should eat. Some say once a day, others believe twice a day is optimal and still others believe multiple small meals spread throughout the day is best. There is support behind each of these, so which one is correct? Cornell Feline Health Center agrees with the once-a-day feeding depending on your cat’s age and health. Veterinary Centers of America follows the twice a day rule. I, however, am of the school of thought that you should feed multiple small meals. But no matter which opinion you follow, what matters is what is best for your cat.

Ping Pong Size Stomach

Your cat’s stomach is the size of a ping pong ball. With that in mind, how much food can you fit into a ping pong ball. Your cat will eat until they are full. That is not a lot of food to sustain them for 24 hours. Cats also have a similar stomach structure as humans, meaning that food in their stomach will empty after a few hours and ready for its next meal. After 12 hours, they will be looking for their next meal.

With that being said, it seems as if feeding twice a day is optimal for your cat. You are providing them with the necessary amount of food at the times that they need to eat. However, I still keep going back to the size of their stomach. Even eating twice a day, they are only eating the amount of food that would fit into a ping pong ball. Does not seem like enough food to support your cat’s weight and health.

Three Square Meals

If your cat’s stomach structure is the same as yours, feeding them the same number of meals as you would eat seems like the best way. I feed my cats their raw food 3 times a day. They get a species appropriate raw diet for breakfast, late afternoon, and dinner. I give them some freeze-dried raw crumbled up for them to munch on during the day and overnight. This helps to keep them from getting hangry and being in a Snickers’ commercial. Freeze-dried raw was also the way that I transitioned my kibble addicted cat away from craving dry food.

Probably the best thing you can do for them is to stop the all-day buffet. Cats thrive on routine. Feeding them on a routine schedule will help keep them happy and healthy. Although I do leave my cats some crumbled freeze-dried to munch on, it is just enough to curb their appetite if I should be running late with their next meal. Hardly ever is there any freeze-dried left in their bowls.

What Works Best for You & Your Cat

Deciding on how often you feed your cat really depends on what works best for you and your schedule. Cats are adaptable and will quickly adapt to a routine that you set up for them as long as you stick to it. My cats know when it is time for their raw food. Even when I am home all day, I stick to their routine mealtimes. Sometimes they try to convince me that they should get their meals earlier. Rarely does it work. About an hour before normal afternoon mealtime, Sloopy will start running laps around the house, pausing every now and then to give me the stare down. Zazzles will start to pick fights with the other cats. If you pay attention, your cat will let you know when their ideal feeding time is and hopefully, you can adjust your schedule and accommodate them.

Emmet enjoying his raw meal.

“Be a good animal, true to your animal instincts.” ― D. H. Lawrence

Slow Blinks, Lora Lee

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