In the last episode of “The Anxious and the Agitated” – A Cat Soap Opera, we met our cast of characters and learned a little about their role in our drama. Over the past couple of months, things have really heated up between Bodie, Prudence and Emmet. The stress that has accompanied this drama has been affecting everyone in the house, cats and humans alike. It has gotten so bad that it is affecting poor Emmet and his eating and diet. I had to get a handle on the drama and stress. Peace and harmony needed to be restored. But how?

I had identified Bodie, Prudence and Emmet as the main characters in our Cat Soap Opera. Bodie is definitely the “agitated” of the 3. He has been showing signs of grief ever since his BFF, Monti passed last August. This grief demonstrates itself through aggression towards the other cats. Emmet is the “anxious” cat. He has always been on guard with Bodie, but the level of being anxious has greatly increased and has deeply affected his everyday life. Prudence, as the leading lady, has mastered both the “anxious” and the “agitated”. Her arrival definitely brought everything to the surface and pushed it over the top.
Bringing Back Harmony
Over the past few months, I have been gathering a vast supply of resources and tools for providing my cat’s a happy and healthy lifestyle. I have written about a lot of these in past blogs. It was time for me to pull out all of my resources and tools. The 1st resource that I went to was Naturally Cats. I have been following Julia-Anne Thorne for a while, even attending seminars and workshops that she was hosting or participating in. Her herb gardens for cats really interested me, so I ordered a General Cat Garden. It was absolutely amazing seeing how my cats responded to their gardens. You can read about it here. I instantly ordered the S’purr’b Herb Selection Box. There was a noticeable shift in energy in the house. We were not drama free, but definitely making improvements.
Although the herb gardens were definitely helping, Emmet was still anxious, Bodie was still agitated, and Prudence was both. I needed someone who had the ability to get a little deeper into the origin of the drama. Pam Roussell from Purrrfectly Holistic to the rescue. I contacted Pam, mainly about Emmet who was being affected by the stress and drama in an unhealthy way. He was not eating like his normal self and had become withdrawn. Nor was he the happy and playful cat that would make me laugh. After a conversation with Pam, we decided that she would do muscle testing on Bodie, Prudence and Emmet, clearing all of them on any blockages that she found. You can read about our experiences with muscle testing here.
Pam helped me with some homeopathic remedies to help with some of Emmet’s health issues, including vomiting. We started using color therapy to help with some of the blockages. She was able to test the supplements that I give my cats daily from The-Two-Crazy-Cat-Ladies to ensure that they were still resonating well with Emmet, as well as Bodie and Prudence. Pam suggested that I check out Convivial House Cat from Cat Faeries. It is an all-natural product made from flower essence that is literal magic in a bottle. Look for a future article devoted to this amazing company and product, but for now, I can say that just one spray in problem areas around the house have made a noticeable difference in the cats and their drama and stress.

A Cat Soap Opera Cliffhanger
We still have a way to go to bring back perfect peace and harmony in our house. Well, as perfect as a multi-cat household can be. I am not expecting Prudence and Bodie to start snuggling together but being within sight of each other without drama would be nice. I can say that utilizing the above tools and resources on a daily basis has definitely promoted a positive change in our house.
The three main characters in our Cat Soap Opera will need another muscle testing session with Pam to see what else needs to be cleared. Their herb gardens change frequently depending on what they might need at the moment. It has only been a few weeks that I have pulled out all the stops to bring back the peace and harmony that we once had. It will be interesting and exciting to see how we progress over time. So, until the next episode of “The Anxious and the Agitated”.
“If we’re going to have animals around, we all have to be concerned about them and take care of them.”
Bob Ross