Tragic Loss of Life

Lily giving me emotional support as I write this article.

As a cat advocate working in the TNR and Rescue Community, I see way too many disregarded cats. Cats who have been abused and neglected. Those that are misunderstood and have been shunned. Sweet souls that feel lost and alone, struggling to survive in this, sometimes, cruel world. Most of them are able to with the help of caring humans who see their worth. Unfortunately, as a teacher, I see these exact same scenarios with my students. Students who are struggling with their own feelings of worth. Battling demons that we cannot even imagine. Sadly, these demons, sometimes, win the battle leading to a tragic loss of life.

What’s Hiding Beneath the Surface

This past weekend, I received the news that one of my students took her own life. It took me a while to process what I was being told. Hearing of a teenager’s passing is always hard. But, when that passing comes at their own hands, the feelings of sadness can be overwhelming. The tragic loss of life is hard to grasp.

Hemingway Snuggles are good for the soul.

I had formed a bond with this student, and I knew that she was struggling with some issues. We had a few conversations about different things, and I tried my best to convey to her that I was there if and whenever she needed me. She seemed happy the last time I saw her before Winter Break. However, we must remember that we never really know what someone is dealing with and what’s hiding beneath the surface. I find myself wondering if there was more that I could have done. Did I miss some signs that she was reaching her breaking point?

Emotional Support

I have talked a lot about ways that we can provide our cats with the emotional support that they need to be happy and healthy. Easy things such as playtime and providing them with Naturally Cats’ herb gardens can go a long way in helping your cat’s emotional stability. Humans are a little more complicated. The human brain is powerful and can convince us of things that are not true. If you are reading this and struggling with a battle of your own, please reach out to someone. If you know of someone struggling, please check on them. Remember to be kind to those you come into contact with for we never know what battles they may be dealing with. Any intentional loss of life is a tragic loss of life.

Zazzles snuggles keep me calm.

“Unlike human beings, cats are emotionally honest, they never hide their feelings.”~Paul Corey

Slow Blinks, Lora Lee

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